Giving Hope To The Hopeless

Food Vouchers

Request a food voucher below

Encounter Hope believes in supporting and caring for our community. If you are in need of food during this time, please complete our form below.

What We Do

Encounter Hope Outreaches

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Christmas Outreach

In 2019 we donated over 200 items to Gracia Home, to aid the organisation in upgrading their facilities for the children. The children are now able to use this facility for a place of education, social interactions and various other activities.
In 2020 we donated over 350 Christmas gift boxes to Tshwane place of Safety Kids. This was to bring hope and joy during the tough times that we are facing to the children and staff of Tshwane. We also donated Christmas gift boxes to Maletsati Foundation.
In 2021 we donated hundreds of Christmas gift boxes to Tshwane place of Safety kids. This was to bring hope and joy during the tough times that we are facing to the children and staff of Tshwane
In 2022 we donated hundreds of Christmas gift boxes and teddies to Tshwane place of Safety Kids. This was to bring hope and joy during the tough times that we are facing to the children and staff of Tshwane.
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Supporting Families

We have and continue to donate, ‘Buckets of Love’, which include non-perishable foods to feed a family for a week. We have also donated many food vouchers for Checkers as well as settling families’ utility and medical bills. 
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Community Drives

The purpose of our community drives is to provide food, clothing and basic needs to the homeless. We have donated 500 maize meal bags, 200 Superfood sachets, as well as basic needs to ensure our support for the survival of these citizens in the community. 
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Blood Drive

100s of our team have donated blood and continue to do so to support our medical departments with the sufficient requirements to save lives in this nation. 
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Winter Outreach

In our winter outreach, we aim to provide warmth and comfort to those who do not have the privilege of keeping warm and healthy during our winter season. We have donated 100s of winter items to those in need. 

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Care For the Elderly

We sent our team of volunteers to an old age home to provide goodie bags as well as preparing snacks and tea for the elderly residing there. We spent time, valuing their lives and listening to the stories they felt to share.


More of What We Do

Who we are

About Encounter Hope Foundation

Together with our founders and senior pastors of Encounter Church Leon and Este-Lee du Preez, we are an organisation that believes in giving back to our community and nation. Through our various outreach programs and projects, our goal is to bring hope and joy to those who are in need.
Encounter Hope is a registered PBO (930071084) with Section 18A approval with the following approval:
The public benefit organisation has been approved for purposes of Section 18A(1)(a) of the Act and donations to the organisation will be tax deductible in the hands of the donors in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in Section 18A of the Act from 2 May 2017.
Donations made to or by the PBO are exempt from Donations Tax in terms of Section 56(1)(h) of the lncome Tax Act.
Exemption from the payment of Estate Duty in terms of Section 4(h) of the Estate Duty Act 45 of 1955.
Exemption from payment of the Skills Development Levy (SDL) in terms of Section 4(c) of the Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999.
Leon & Este-Lee du Preez

Founders of Encounter Hope


Encounter Hope In The News

We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart to see God’s kingdom established across the earth. 


Encounter Gives Back To The Community

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The Church Brings Hope


Giving Back With Our Bucket Project